A comprehensive rural valuation and land economy service. Agriculture, Forestry, Native Vegetation, Farm Succession.

Servicing Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.

Call Patrick Mackarness on 0459 588 361

A dedicated rural specialist


  1. Valuations of all classes of broadacre agriculture.
  2. Forestry & plantation land.
  3. Bush and native vegetation.
  4. Financial Reporting valuations.
  5. Valuations for taxation purposes.
  6. Probate valuations.
  7. Expert witness.
  8. Family Law valuations.
  9. Farm succession support.
  10. Farm lease consultancy & rental valuation.
  11. Valuation and advice for vendors.
  12. Buyer’s advocacy.

Who I am

  • I am a Certified Practising Valuer with tertiary and post graduate qualifications in agriculture, forestry and rural estate management.
  • I have over 40 years’ experience.
  • I discreetly advise clients by addressing valuations from both the a.) Market Evidence and b.) Gross Margin Feasibility points of view.
  • I am a rural land economist/valuer with lease design experience
  • I work with you and your other advisers:  lawyers, accountants, farm management consultants and succession planners.
Patrick Mackarness 
MA, MAgric, MForest Eco Sc, Dip Rural Estate Mgmt, AAPI(CPV)

Frequently asked questions:-

I operate only in the rural sphere and, when necessary, I provide economic/budget insights into properties i.e. rural land economy.  Often clients need more than a valuation.

Where families have settled on a succession plan which is based on equitable allocation of assets I can assist in two ways:- Firstly, by valuation of farm real estate assets and secondly by assisting in the design of a lease with a view to setting up a trust structure.

Definitely!  A high proportion of my instructions are from solicitors and accountants and I liaise with them closely during the course of the assignment.

Yes, often.  When potential clients call to discuss their requirements I often recommend that I give them advice rather than a valuation. This gives the client flexibility and the opportunity to use me as a sounding board.  Typical situations are the support of intending vendors or purchasers and the assessment of risks and rewards with windfarms & solar energy installations.  Valuations have their place but they are not always of benefit to a client confronted with a problem.

I give fixed fee quotes for valuations.  For consulting I give a fixed fee quote or agree an hourly rate, usually with an estimate of likely cost.  I am very much aware of clients’ need for cost control!

I work in all mainstream forms of broadacre farming and grazing, including dairy.  I work in plantation and native forest silviculture with forestry consultants.  I also provide economic and valuation advice for specialist land uses such as windfarms.

Please call for a chat and to arrange an initial free consultation.