Access and Equity Policy
RIST is committed to providing access and equity in all aspects of training. In accordance with the relevant equal employment legislation, RIST will not discriminate unlawfully against any person in the processes of skill development opportunities.
At RIST we understand that some students have different needs, and as a result we may be able to offer a range of different study options to cater for these various needs and extenuating circumstances.
RIST undertakes to:
- Promote access to training for all people regardless of gender, socio-economic background, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age or race
- Ensure training services are delivered in a non- discriminatory, open and respectful manner Train all staff members so that they are appropriately skilled in access and equity issues Conduct student selection in a manner that includes and reflects the diverse student population
- Actively encourage the participation of students from traditionally disadvantaged groups
RIST has a commitment to providing equity and to eliminating discrimination against students in vocational education and training. People with language, literacy, numeracy and technology problems, a disability and people from a non-English speaking background are encouraged to pursue their vocational education and training goals through participation in the range of programs offered by RIST.
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Occupational Health & Safety Policy
RIST is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy environment for its students, staff and visitors. As part of that commitment, staff and students will be provided with information and training to enable them to work and learn in a safe environment.
RIST will fully comply with all requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 and strive to:
- Create a culture where all staff, students and visitors value and accept responsibility for injury protection
- Create a mindset in which all work injuries are regarded as preventable
- Introduce systems that heighten awareness and enable us to control health and safety risks arising from our activities
- Apply sound risk management principles and techniques in the the planning, implementation and review of activities
- Provide a workplace that is safe
- Ensure that training premises are safe and of adequate size and have sufficient heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting
At RIST, one of our core values is to focus on safety. We are committed to maintaining a working environment that is safe and minimises risk to our staff, students, trainers and visitors.
RIST’s aim is to prevent all work-related illness and injury, and to avoid unsafe work environments and practices. We will comply with OHS legislation at all times and strive to be a leader in these initiatives and standards.
Privacy Policy
RIST abides by the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the accompanying Australian Privacy Principles (APP) guidelines, and keeps student information private. RIST only collects information that relates to a students’ training and takes all reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure including restricted access to electronic files, secure storage of paper files and back up of data.
RIST is required to be audited by ASQA in order to maintain registration, and students files may be accessed by their representatives.
The Privacy Acts do not replace RIST’s existing obligations under the laws, such as providing formal access to records under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
RIST is committed to:
- supporting the National Principles for the Fair Handling of Personal Information, which sets out clear standards for the collection, access, storage, and use of personal information.
- adhering to access and equity principles in the implementation of this policy.
RIST will not:
collect personal information about an individual unless the information is necessary for one or more of its functions or activities. The collection of personal information will be fair, lawful, and not intrusive. Where RIST collects personal information, RIST will declare the purpose of the collection, how the information will be used, how the individual can get access to that information, and what happens if they do not provide the information.
Collect sensitive information without the individuals consent to the collection, unless:
- the sensitive information is required or authorised by law
- a permitted general situation exists
- a permitted health situation exists, or
- the sensitive information is required for an enforcement related activity.
RIST will:
- only use or disclose information for the purpose for which it was collected or for a secondary purpose which the provider of the information could reasonably expect i.e., to the Victorian Government through the Department of Education and Training Victoria in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines.
- take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information collected, used, or disclosed is accurate, complete and up-to-date
- ensure arrangements with consultant/Contractors contain provisions, which prohibit acts or practices by the consultant/contractor, which would breach Information Privacy Principles
- take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure
- produce a document outlining its policies and practices for handling personal information and make this available upon request
- provide an individual with access to personal information it holds on that person, upon request. Where an individual can show that the information held about them is not accurate, complete, or current, RIST will take reasonable steps to make it correct
- give people the option to interact anonymously whenever it is lawful and practicable to do so
Whistlebower Policy