Complaints & Appeals
RIST has an obligation to resolve any grievances or complaints made by a student in a timely, professional and confidential manner. RIST has developed a complaint/appeal procedure to ensure all students have an opportunity to have their concerns heard in a fair and sympathetic manner.
At any point, either party involved may choose to take the matter before an appropriate external tribunal or authority, at which point the process will be immediately suspended.
Complaint Policy
RIST has the following complaint procedure to reassure students that any dispute or complaint raised against the organisation will be taken seriously, handled professionally and confidentially in order to achieve a speedy resolution.
RIST has established this complaint procedure in order to ensure that all people participating in courses offered by RIST have the opportunity to have their complaints heard and resolved in a fair and sympathetic manner. All complaints are recorded and reviewed at Quality Management Review Meetings.
The aim of this policy is to provide students with a process to ensure that all complaints received will be given top priority and consideration with full attention to detail, with the objective of immediate resolution, and amicable settlement to all parties concerned. Resolution to any dispute between aggrieved parties will be addressed informally, and in an open and trusting environment, and all matters will be resolved with reference to the Win-Win principles of dispute resolution.
At any point either party involved may choose to take the matter before an appropriate external tribunal or authority, at which point the process will be immediately suspended.
All participants will be given a copy of this procedure. Each concern or complaint, regardless of lodgement method (i.e., verbally, text message etc) will be acknowledged in writing within 7 days of receipt.
Complaint Procedure
- If possible, the person with the complaint should discuss the matter directly with the person involved
- If this does not result in a satisfactory resolution, the person with the complaint may discuss the matter with the Chief Executive Officer, in an attempt to resolve the matter.
- The Chief Executive Officer will discuss the matter within 5 working days of being notified.
- If this is unsuccessful, the person with the complaint can request the matter be heard by a professional person who is disinterested in the matter and who is approved by both parties.
- If the parties are unable to agree on whom will hear the matter, each party will nominate a person whose task it will be to recommend an independent arbitrator.
- The arbitrator will hear the matter and recommend a resolution.
- The matter will be considered by the arbitrator within 10 working days of being accepted by the parties.
- If either party is unable, or unwilling, to accept the decision of the arbitrator either party may choose to have the matter heard by an external tribunal or authority. Any expenses incurred by either party will be the responsibility of that party unless the external body directs otherwise.
- In the processing of this complaint procedure, RIST adopts the following:
- each complaint, appeal and its outcome is recorded in writing
- each appeal is heard by an independent person or panel; and
- each appellant has the opportunity to formally present his or her case; and is given a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including reasons for the decision.
- If RIST considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, RIST will inform the complainant or appellant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and will regularly update the complainant or appellant on the progress of the matter.
- RIST will securely maintain records of all complaints and their outcomes, will identify potential causes of complaints and appeals and will take appropriate corrective action to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence.
Appeal Policy
This policy is to ensure any appeal is dealt with in a timely manner. RIST have processes in place for students enrolled in a program seeking to appeal against an academic decision or other procedural matter in relation to a RIST program.
An appeal process may be instigated if a student is deemed ‘not competent’ in any component of a training program assessment and genuinely believes that he/she has grounds to appeal the result. Results of all appeal decisions, and the reason for the decision, will be communicated in writing to the student and finalised as soon as practicable. The appealant will be provided with regular updates on the progress of the appeal. All appeals are recorded and reviewed at Quality Management Review Meetings.
Appeal Procedure
A student enrolled in a course who is seeking to appeal against an academic decision or other procedural matter should undertake the following steps:
- In the first instance, an informal approach is to be made to the program coordinator with any new evidence or clarification of existing evidence.
- Assessment will be reviewed having due regard to submissions made by the appellant.
If, after completing the aforementioned process, the appellant still believes they have a case then an appeal process may be instigated:
- Appeals must be lodged in either verbally and/or in writing within 28 days of the appellant being advised of his/her assessment result.
- The appellant lodges an appeal either verbally and/or in writing to his/her Trainer/Assessor detailing the argument and providing suitable evidence.
- The Trainer/Assessor forwards the appeal to the Chief Executive Officer of RIST. The Chief Executive Officer may consider it necessary for the Trainer/Assessor to submit an additional written report if the circumstances are relevant to the appeal.
The Chief Executive Officer will appoint an ‘Assessment Appeals Panel’ consisting of the following persons who have no prior involvement with the training and assessment in question or the appeal process under consideration:
- A RIST Trainer/Assessor
- A person with the qualifications to conduct an assessment of the competency(ies) in question
- A Human Resource Management representative or Senior Administration staff
The panel may call on advice from other persons considered necessary during the investigation. The panel will investigate the appeal and make appropriate recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer.
RIST may charge a fee for the appeals process where an external assessor is engaged. In this case, all costs involved will be advised to the appeallant.
The Chief Executive Officer will advise in writing the appellant (through his/her Trainer/Assessor) and the pertinent assessor(s) of the appeal result and, if necessary, instigate any remedial processes.
If an appellant is unsatisfied with the results of an appeal, he/she may lodge a grievance in accordance with an external resolution facilitated by theĀ Australian Skills Quality Authority.